Citizen of the World Guides
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part one - intro
SECURING the right job

You have just finished your formal schooling or received your college degree. Alternatively, you find yourself working in the wrong job or at the wrong organization. You realize you will be spending approximately 50% or more of your total waking hours from now on at work, including travel time to get there. It is time to get serious about your future.
Securing the right job to begin your career is a challenge. There is a process to follow that increases your chances of making the right job search decisions. To say that you have got to persist, persist, persist and follow up, follow up and follow up to achieve a successful outcome is an understatement. Approach obtaining the right job as a “job” and make a full-time commitment to it.
Part One of this Guide covers all of the basics to securing the job that is right for you. Follow your passion. The more you love what you are doing, the better you are going to be at doing it. This is much more important than the starting salary.


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