The need for effective communications of all types is the foundation of success in any personal or professional endeavor. Communication also represents the fuel of all relationships. Whether it is a work associate, business partnership, friendship or marriage, the better the level of communication, the better and more long-lasting the relationship. It is that simple.
The purpose of this Guide is to help you become a “Pro” Communicator, especially in your business and professional life. It encompasses the complete spectrum of different forms of communications — listening, conversing, meetings, written communications, electronic communications, speeches and presentations. Be a “Pro” Communicator also covers negotiating (which is all about communications) and dealing with the media.
In all fields, the decision to hire or promote someone in a management position is usually heavily influenced by the individual’s communication skills. While other qualifications and skills are obviously relevant, the ability to listen and speak well is often the decisive factor in whether you get the job or promotion.
Personal face-to-face communications comprise much more than just what is said verbally and how it is said in terms of tone of voice and loudness. Non-verbal forms of communicating with one’s body language, facial expressions and eye movements are often equally or even more important in telegraphing the position and true intent of the speaker. What people say and what they actually mean can be two different things.
As Angela Ahrendts, Apple’s Senior Vice President for Retail, stated in a 2015 interview, “The more technologically advanced our society becomes, the more we need to go back to the basic fundamentals of human communication.” Prior to joining Apple, Angela was the worldwide CEO of Burberry.
If you have questions about any subjects in this Guide or suggestions for additional advice that should be included in future editions, please contact me through the website at www.COTWguides.com. The first two Guides in the Citizen of the World series are Make the Right Impression and Secure the Job You Want & Excel. The next Guide in the series after Be a “Pro” Communicator is What’s Really Important.